Planet Hollywood Parking: Valet, Self Parking Garage & Fees

Gone are the days of free parking at the valet or in the 10-story Planet Hollywood parking structure that services the resort and shops. 

Let’s review the new parking fees at Planet Hollywood, how to access the parking areas, and what to expect when you park at the resort.

Self Parking Garage

self parking garage for Planet Hollywood and miracle Mile shops

The self-parking garage at Planet Hollywood Hotel & Casino is an impressive 10 stories tall and attached directly to the resort. The garage clearance for vehicles is a whopping 13′.

The parking garage serves both the resort and Miracle Mile Parking Garage, so it’s no surprise so much space is required! 

While complimentary self-parking is no longer offered, Platinum, Diamond, and Seven Stars levels, Caesars Rewards members can enjoy free self-parking. 

Access the Planet Hollywood parking garage via Audrie St or Harmon Ave off the Strip. When you enter, you’ll receive a parking ticket. Keep track of this ticket because you need it to pay your self-parking fee when you want to leave. Use a self-parking kiosk to enter your ticket and payment.

If you’re a hotel guest, turn in your parking ticket at the registration desk so all future parking fees can be charged to your room.

Pro Tip

Save your future self some trouble by dropping your luggage at the bell desk before parking if you’ll be checking into the hotel. It’s a long walk from the parking garage with multiple bags!

Valet Parking

pros and cons valet parking at Planet Hollywood miracle mile

Drop Off

Access the valet area by taking a turn onto Planet Hollywood Way via Harmon. Follow the signs for the valet entrance to stay in the left lane, where you’ll be directed into the circular valet drive. Or you can access it by 13 Audrie St.

Planet Hollywood Valet service drivers will take your keys and hand you a valet parking ticket. It’s customary to tip the valet driver at the time of drop-off and pickup. 

You can head straight into the casino and resort, but be sure the valet ticket is in a safe place first!

If you’re a hotel guest, your valet ticket can be turned in at the front desk, and valet fees will be charged to your room. You also get free in/out privileges. 

Valet parking versus self-parking at Planet Hollywood makes a bigger difference than at other resorts on the Strip. If you self-park and have to take a spot on the far end of the garage, you have an almost ¼ mile-long walk to the resort, which isn’t convenient at all!

Valet is so preferred that it even fills up on occasion. The valet drivers stay super busy, but that means less walking for you.

planet hollywood valet parking las vegas

Pick Up

When you want to pick up your car from the valet at Planet Hollywood Las Vegas, head to a valet kiosk with your valet ticket.

This ticket will trigger the drivers to retrieve your car while you’re prompted to pay the valet fee based on how long you’ve been parked. 

If you can valet park for free thanks to a Platinum, Diamond, or Seven Stars level Caesar Rewards Member status, you can enter your card to waive the fee. 

Parking Fees

Parking Time

Self Parking Fee

Valet Fee

First Hour


Hotel Guests: $40 Daily
Non-Guests: $40 Daily Per Entry

1 – 4 Hour

Mon-Thurs: $18
Fri-Sun: $25

4 – 24 Hour

Mon-Thurs: $20
Fri-Sun: $25

Each additional 24 Hours

Mon-Thurs: $20
Fri-Sun: $25

MGM Rewards Members

Free for Platinum and up

Free for Platinum and up

Self Parking 

Planet Hollywood self-parking rates change depending on the day of the week. Planet Hollywood parking weekday rates from Monday to Thursday are cheaper. Weekend rates go from Friday to Sunday and increase even more during holiday weekends.

Paid parking rates are the same for registered hotel guest fees and non-hotel guests. 

Valet Parking Fees

Valet parking fees at Planet Hollywood are similar to self-parking fees because hotel guests and those just visiting the resort are charged the same across the board.

While hotel guests still have to pay the valet parking fee, they do get to enjoy complimentary in and out privileges. 

Free Parking

While Planet Hollywood only offers free parking for the first hour of self parking, Caesars Rewards Platinum, Diamond, and Seven Star members can enjoy free valet and self-parking perks at the resorts and shops.

Caesars Rewards free parking perks allow you to park for free at several Las Vegas properties on the Las Vegas Strip with your valid Caesars rewards card.

Oddly, Planet Hollywood does not give free parking to Nevada Residents like most other hotels on the Strip.

EV Charging

Planet Hollywood has EV charging available via valet. You cannot charge your car if you enter as a self-parking customer. 

While they have EV charging compatible with most vehicles, they do not offer Tesla charging.

Oversized Parking

Planet Hollywood has an oversized lot available for customers with oversized vehicles, but the vehicle can’t be longer than 60 feet. 

If you need oversized parking at Planet Hollywood, pull into the parking garage off Audrie Street and call security at 702-862-8014. Security is on-site to answer calls for oversized parking 24 hours a day.


Is parking still free at Planet Hollywood?

No, there is no longer free parking at Planet Hollywood for resort guests and non-guests alike. But everyone can get one hour free, so if you’re just running in for a quick visit, this might be helpful.

Is parking free at Miracle Mile Shops?

No, you’ll have to pay to park if you’re shopping at Miracle Mile Shops.

Does Planet Hollywood have EV charging?

Planet Hollywood has an EV charging station that can be used via valet.


  1. Hi, I’m going to be a judge for the DECA business club for high school kids next Tuesday, February 6 from 7 AM to 4 PM in the afternoon. We are supposed to park in the miracle Mile parking lot or the parking fees for that period of time $15 total for the day or is it something more than that, thank you in advance for your assistance

  2. We were at Planet Hollywood for the Keith Urban concert and saw a screen within the mall area with a QR code to scan to pay for parking. However, after we scanned it and signed up so we could pay for parking, it did not work. So we ended up paying for parking before exiting the garage. Today, our credit card has a $4.95 charge from, but it is $49.95 per month – which is a subscription service to music, etc.! Apparently, the QR code is a scam since we did not agree, nor do we want another music service. We simply wanted to pay for parking! Please be aware! Fraaby is the music subscription company. We cannot log into our account to cancel this since the link doesn’t work. Again, this is a scam! Don’t scan the screen with the parking QR Code in the PH mall.

  3. I’m attending the Van Morrison concert tonight but am staying at another hotel. Do I still have to pay for parking or does my ticket come with validation?

    1. Park in the same area as non-locals. When you leave the parking garage and get prompted to pay, you can enter your Nevada ID to get free parking.

  4. So what do they charge for parking?
    I didn’t see it listed. Is it a secret?
    Do they charge a set amount?
    Does it vary due to day/time?
    Please include details

    1. Hi Lou,
      There’s a detailed parking fee chart listed under the “parking fees” section of this post.
      Self-parking rates are cheaper on weekdays, but both weekday and weekend pricing varies depending on how long you’re parked. Valet parking is the same price no matter the day of the week and the price is based on how long you’re parked.

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